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You may encounter a problem in which the system does not generate an invoice for a domain renewal. This is generally due to one of several common causes.

Auto Renew Disabled

A domain record will not automatically generate a renewal invoice if Auto Renew is disabled.

To disable this option:

1. Go to Clients > Domain Registrations.

2. Search for and click on the domain in question.

3. Under Management Tools, find the Disable Auto Renew toggle. If it is set to YES, automatic renewal is disabled and the system will not automatically generate an invoice.

Disable Auto Renew = No

4. Set Disable Auto Renew to NO.

5. Click Save Changes.

The system will generate the renewal invoice the next time that the daily automation cron tasks run.

Status Not Active

A domain record will not generate a renewal invoice if Status is anything other than Active.

To set this value:

1. Go to Domains > Domain Registrations.

2. Search for and click on the domain.

3. If Status is not set to Active, update it:

Domain Status Active

4. Click Save Changes.

The system will generate the renewal invoice the next time that the daily automation cron tasks run.

Next Due Date Beyond Invoice Generation Days

A domain record will not automatically generate a renewal invoice if Next Due Date is further in the future than the number of days you specified in the Invoice Generation setting:

1. Go to Configuration > System Settings > Automation Settings.

2. Find the Invoice Generation value:

Automation Settings 14 Days

3. Go to Clients > Domain Registrations.

4. Search for and click on the domain.

5. Find the Next Due Date value and check whether it is further in the future than the Invoice Generation value specifies.

Next Due Date 14/01/2022

For example, if today's date is 1st Jan 2022:

Next Due Date: 14th Jan 2022
Invoice Generation: 14
= Invoice will generate today.
Next Due Date: 15th Jan 2022
Invoice Generation: 14
= Invoice not generated today.

If the invoice is not yet due for automatic renewal, you can renew the domain early via the Client Area shopping cart or in the client's Summary tab.

Previously Invoiced

A domain record will not automatically generate a renewal invoice if the system has already generated a renewal invoice for the current Next Due Date value and an admin deleted it.

To check for this issue:

1. Access the WHMCS MySQL® database using your preferred method (for example, phpMyAdmin).

2. Run the following query:

SELECT * FROM tblinvoiceitems WHERE relid='x' AND (type='Domain' OR type='DomainRegister' OR type='DomainTransfer') AND invoiceid NOT IN(SELECT id FROM tblinvoices)

Replace x with the domain ID, which you can find next to the domain in the client's Summary tab.

The query should return an empty result:

phpmyadmin showing a success result

If there are any results, this indicates a deleted renewal invoice.

Review the client's Log tab's Invoice Deleted or Order Deleted entries. This will identify who deleted it and the time of deletion.

To resolve this issue and generate a new invoice:

1. Go to Clients > Domain Registrations.

2. Search for and click on the domain.

3. Set the Next Due Date value to one day earlier.

4. Click Save Changes.

The system will generate the renewal invoice the next time that the daily automation cron tasks run.

Daily Automation Cron Issue

The daily cron job handles invoice generation, payment reminders, and account suspensions and terminations according to your automation settings. If some of these do not occur, the cron job may not be running successfully.

For more information, see Verify That Your System Cron is Being Invoked.



The End! should you have any inquiries, we encourage you to reach out to the Vercaa Support Center without hesitation.

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